Our environmental sustainability
"Sustainability is the condition of a pattern of development that ensures that the needs of the present generation are met without compromising the ability of future generations to realize their own needs" [UN, 1992].

Baratè has been active in sustainability since 2019. Thanks to a partnership with the University of Bologna and the spin-off Turtle srl, we measure our production process in real time with the help of a special management system, designed to measure the environmental performance of our production.The Vivace management system allows Governance-Baratè to make effective decisions in order to improve output, reducing consumption and therefore the costs of the entire plant.
We think the right approach is to move together toward a more ambitious goal: to create effective mechanical supply chains!
Sustainability in all areas: Economic, Environmental and Social.
With the acronym ESG, ENVIROMENTAL-SOCIAL-GOVERNANCE issues are defined to determine, measure and verify the real impact of a company in terms of sustainability. The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) is an independent international organization that provides one of the frameworks for sustainability reporting. GRI standards are designed to help organizations understand and communicate their impacts in the marketplace.
Baratè s.p.a. is measured according to the GRI 300, which demonstrate that it is a virtuous company in terms of "environmental sustainability."
From 2019 to 2023, the initiatives undertaken and the results achieved show an ongoing and concrete commitment to reducing environmental impact and promoting sustainable practices.
Baratè's environmental impact, the so-called carbon footprint, is measured and translated into Co2 equivalent per unit of standard product ( Co2/Kg), which we make available to our customers.
This constant commitment not only contributes to improving the company's reputation, but also strengthens the trust of stakeholders, customers and the local community, confirming Baratè S.p.A. as a model of excellence.
Sustainability is part of our Mission; a common goal where active collaboration between Worker, Customer and Supplier is required.
"Try to leave this world a little better than you found it."
[Lord Baden Powell].
To learn more or learn more about these topics: Green alloys, Carbon footprint for mechanical supply chains, or how to make better use of scrap contact us via the FORM
In recent years there have been several regulatory interventions aimed at urging companies in encouraging the recycling and reuse of the packaging of their products, through greater transparency towards the end user. The adoption of the so-called environmental labeling, compulsory by EU Directive 2018/851, implemented in Italy by Legislative Decree No. 116/2020 and then made mandatory from 01/01/2023 for all packaging placed on the Italian market to the end user.
Baratè does not produce packaging, but rather uses it for transportation to its customers.
For this reason we offer our customers an indication on the correct waste disposal of the packaging and materials we use, with a special QR CODE affixed to the footer of each transport document.

Baratè Spa
Via Alberto Baratè, 5
27036 Mortara (PV), Italy
VAT: 00837850189
Phone: +39 0384 92624Fax: +39 0384 93506